United Nations
Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) - Based in Bonn,
Germany, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
secretariat provides organizational support and technical expertise
to the negotiations and institutions of the UNFCCC and the Kyoto
Protocol. Included in this mandate is support to the Executive Board
of the clean development mechanism (CDM), through which projects in
developing countries can earn saleable credits by reducing
greenhouse gas emissions. To date there are more than 1,930
projects in 58 countries. Despite its recognized
success in spurring investment in climate change mitigation and
sustainable development, much remains to be done to expand CDM�s
reach in less developed countries.
Contact: Lucy Waruingi,
[email protected],
United Nations
Environment Programme (UNEP) and its
UNEP Risoe Centre is
the United Nations system's designated entity for addressing
environmental issues at the global and regional level. Its mandate
is to coordinate the development of environmental policy consensus
by keeping the global environment under review and bringing emerging
issues to the attention of governments and the international
community for action. UNEP's work emphasizes strengthening links
between environmental sustainability and economic decision-making,
an emerging nexus for public policymaking and market development. In
the area of climate change, our approach aims at reducing barriers
to market development, building capacities, and easing the costs and
risks of entry of new actors, in both the public and private
sectors. As a founding member of the Nairobi Framework, UNEP works
with other UN agencies and partners, and UNDP in particular, on a
range of activities to help African countries become more active in
the carbon market.
Contact: Miriam Hinostroza,
[email protected],
The International Emissions Trading Association (IETA) is a
non-profit business organization of major companies and the leading
voice of this community on emissions trading, whose goal is to
ensure that the objectives of the United Nations Convention on
Climate Change and, ultimately, climate protection, are met. IETA
works for the development of an active, global greenhouse gas
market, consistent across national boundaries. IETA currently has
over 175 member companies from around the world, including global
leaders in oil, electricity, cement, aluminum, chemical, paper and
banking; as well as leading firms in the data verification and
certification, brokering and trading, legal and consulting
industries. IETA members seek to develop an emission�s trading
regime that results in real and verifiable greenhouse gas emission
reductions, balancing economic efficiency with environmental
integrity and social equity.
Contact: Marion Gilodi,
[email protected],
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) - As the United
Nations' global development network, UNDP�s goal is to align human
development and climate change management efforts by promoting
mitigation and adaptation activities that promote socio-economic
progress. With a US$5 billion portfolio of energy and environment
projects, UNDP is one of the world�s largest providers of technical
assistance in the area of climate change. On the ground in 166
countries, UNDP has built links and considerable trust with
governments, civil society and the private sector. Over the past
seven years, UNDP has been involved in carbon finance capacity
development activities in more than 20 countries across several
regions. At both global and regional levels, UNDP�s capacity
development activities have been supported by systematic review and
compilation of best practices and lessons learned on CDM, which are
being disseminated through a series of knowledge products and
Contact: Marcel Alers,
[email protected],
The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR)
was founded in 1965 with the mission to deliver innovative learning
products and conduct research on knowledge systems that develop the
capacity of beneficiaries mostly national, local government
officials and civil society actors. Within this framework, the
UNITAR Climate Change Programme (CCP) seeks to enhance the capacity
of developing countries to improve their participation in the United
Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) process.
UNITAR-CCP has been engaged in supporting Developing Countries
including the Least Developed Countries (LDCs) to develop their
National Adaptation Programmes of Action (NAPAs) and also
coordinates and mobilizes resources that enable its network of
regional centers of excellence, to create and increase national,
local and regional expertise on climate change adaptation and
Contact: Mamadou Moussa Diakhiite,
[email protected],
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) -
Established in 1964, UNCTAD promotes the development-friendly
integration of developing countries into the world economy. UNCTAD
has progressively evolved into an authoritative knowledge-based
institution whose work aims to help shape current policy debates and
thinking on development, with a particular focus on ensuring that
domestic policies and international action are mutually supportive
in bringing about sustainable development. UNCTAD�s Climate Change
Programme has a significant role to play in the international
climate change debate on the effects of � and policy responses to �
global climate change, as well as to the United Nations-wide
response strategy. In particular, the programme focuses in
addressing the economic aspects of climate change and its trade and
development implications. Through its analytical, technical and
capacity-building expertise, the programme assists developing
countries in identifying opportunities under the Clean Development
Mechanism (CDM) and in designing low-carbon-intensive development
strategies to attract investments in areas where national advantages
exist. It is also involved in the implementation of the Nairobi
Framework, a standing effort in promoting inter-agency collaboration
and coordination, which aims to help developing countries,
especially those in sub-Sahara Africa, to improve their level of
participation in the CDM.
Contact: Lucas Assun��o,
[email protected],
The World Bank � The World Bank�s mission is to help
developing countries and their people reach the goals of poverty
alleviation and sustainable development by working with our
partners. To do that we concentrate on building the climate for
investment, jobs and sustainable growth, so that economies will
grow, and by investing in and empowering poor people to participate
in development. Addressing global climate change through market
development is an important component of the overall mission. World
Bank has played a pioneering role in engendering the carbon market,
and so far utilized over $2 billion in promoting carbon mitigation
projects, including in Africa. Capacity building and technical
assistance to developing countries is an important endeavour of the
World Bank, which complements its carbon finance activities. Carbon
Finance Assist is World Bank�s flagship capacity building program
implemented by the World Bank Institute.
Contact: Samira Elkhamlichi,
[email protected],
The African Development Bank (AfDB)
was created in 1964 to help reduce poverty, improve living
conditions for Africans and mobilize resources for Africa�s economic
and social development. AfDB attaches great importance to
environmental sustainability and low carbon growth and is supporting
the efforts of its Regional Member Countries (RMCs) to switch
towards cleaner energy technologies and renewable energy sources in
the continent, including climate change risk management. The clean
energy portfolio of the Bank stands at about USD $2.5 billion and
this is still set to grow.
AfDB is reducing vulnerability to climate change within its RMCs by
building climate resilience into past and future Bank financed
development investments; and supporting policy, legal and regulatory
reforms including knowledge generation and capacity building. AfDB
is financing the institutional strengthening of four regional
African climate centres as part of the ClimDev Initiative.
The Bank also seeks to play a leadership role in Africa in
supporting the implementation of REDD+. In 2009, through its Africa
Development Institute and sector departments, AfDB carried out a
training workshop for 20 DNAs on carbon finance in general and on
REDD+ in particular. This training will now be on an annual basis.
The Bank is actively engaged in the CDM and thus far, fifteen
eligible projects have been identified and are at advanced stages of
preparation for registration.
Uzoamaka Nwamarah,
[email protected],