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Agenda & Presentations

Conference Programme and Exhibition Guide (English)

Conference Programme Overview (English)

Day 1: Wednesday, 3rd July 2013

Training session 1: Thinking Differently in an Unfavorable Carbon Market

8:30-9:30, Room Anono 1A

Summary: Taking stock of the current difficult carbon market conditions, the session will inform the participants about various new initiatives and facilities that offer support for the development and implementation of carbon mitigation programs. The session will discuss the objectives of these new initiatives, the support they offer, and the means of accessing such support. The session will provide an opportunity to interact with the representatives of the institutions that are supporting these new initiatives and an opportunity for sharing of experiences from recently executed programs.


Flordeliza Andres, UNFCCC - PDF


Kirtan Chandra Sahoo, World Bank - PDF

Training session 2: Programmatic CDM (PoA)

8:30-9:30, Room Anono 1B

Summary: The latest developments on the regulatory framework for CDM programmes of activities (PoAs) will be presented, after a brief introduction to its basics, with a focus on their practical implications for project developers. Feedback from participants will also be sought. Experience from project developers and DOEs will also be shared.


Johann Thaler, Germanischer Lloyd Certification GmbH (GLC) - PDF

Sandeep Kota, Core CarbonX Solutions Private Limited - PDF

Co-Organisers Welcoming Remarks

10:00-11:00, Room Anono 2-3


�������� Dirk Forrister, President & CEO, International Emissions Trading Association (IETA)

�������� Peer Stiansen, Chair, CDM Executive Board

�������� Nabil Chaherli, Sector Leader, Africa Region Sustainable Development - World Bank

Plenary session 1: CDM: achievements and lessons learned. The future of the mechanism.

11:15-12:30, Room Anono 2-3

Summary: The first commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol (KP1) ended on 31 December 2012. CDM modalities and procedures are in the process of revision. As Parties start the second commitment period, and prepare for a new legally binding agreement by 2020, what will the role of CDM be? The key achievements of CDM during KP1, and the opportunities for its enhanced application in current and future scenarios will be discussed.


�������� Kurt Lonsway, Manager, Environment and Climate Change Division, African Development Bank


�������� Dirk Forrister, President & CEO, International Emissions Trading Association (IETA)

�������� Glenn Hodes, Senior Advisor, UNEP Risoe Centre - PDF

�������� John Kilani, Director, Sustainable Development Mechanisms, UNFCCC - PDF

�������� Kadio Ahossane, Member, CDM Executive Board - PDF

�������� Neeraj Prasad, Manager, World Bank Institute

Roundtable session 1: Up scaling the CDM: linkages between PoAs, standardized baselines,

and sectoral approaches, NAMAs, NMM

14:00-15:00, Room Anono 2

Summary: CDM, especially through CDM Programmes of Activities and standardized baselines, together with tools such as positive lists and suppressed demand, is seen by many as the stepping stone to build new market mechanisms (NMMs) and NAMAs on previously gained experience and tools. The session will present the status of the discussion, and its possible implications for Africa, including for improving energy access.


�������� Perumal Arumugam, Programme Officer (Team Lead), Standard Setting Unit of SDM � UNFCCC - PDF


�������� Giza Gaspar Martins, DNA Coordinator, Angola

�������� Bruce Wylie, Principal, Sub-Saharan Africa Office, South Pole Carbon Asset Management

�������� Klaus Oppermann, Sr. Carbon Finance Specialist, CPFCF - World Bank - PDF

Roundtable session 2: The contribution of CDM to sustainable development: a showcase

14:00-15:00, Room Anono 3

Summary: The CDM has two main goals: to reduce GHG emissions, and to contribute to sustainable development (SD) in its host countries. The contribution to SD has received much less attention than the contribution to mitigation. This session will provide a space to present and discuss the main contributions to SD, with focus in Africa.


�������� John Kilani, Director, Sustainable Development Mechanisms � UNFCCC


�������� Ritika Tewari, Research Associate, The Energy and Resources Institute - PDF

�������� Tarek Shalaby, DNA, Egypt - PDF

�������� Edwin Aalders, Business Development Manager, DNV KEMA

�������� Niroj Mohanty, Managing Director, Core Carbon X Solutions - PDF


Plenary session 2: Promoting Access to Energy

15:45-17:00, Room Anono 2-3

Summary: The United Nations Secretary General�s Sustainable Energy for All initiative has set the context for ensuring universal access to modern energy services by 2030 at an affordable price in developing countries. This session will discuss the role that different financing instruments, including carbon revenues, can play in Africa to support private sector-driven investments to scale-up energy access projects and programs. The session will also present some of the initiatives offering results-based climate finance to promote access to energy.


�������� Francoise d'Estais, Programme Officer - Energy Branch, UNEP/DTIE


�������� Gareth Martin, Senior Climate Change Advisor (Africa Region), DFID, UK - PDF

�������� Dereje Agonafir, Ethiopian Environmental Protection Authority, Ethiopia - PDF

�������� Ram Prasad Dhital, Assistant Director, Alternative Energy Promotion Centre, Nepal - PDF

�������� Brice Quesnel, Carbon Initiative for Development (Ci-Dev), The World Bank - PDF

Day 2: Thursday, 4th July 2013

Training session 3: Standardized baselines under the CDM

8:30-9:30, Room Anono 1B

Summary: Participants will learn about the latest developments in the standardized baselines regulatory framework, and then focus on their application and the experience gained to date by the practitioners, as well as recommendations by the UNFCCC secretariat.

Opening Ceremony with Opening Keynote Address by the Government of C�te d'Ivoire

10:00-10:30, Room Anono 2-3


�������� SEM. Daniel Kablan Duncan, Prime Minister, C�te d'Ivoire

�������� Dr. Allah Kouadio R�mi, Minister of Environment, Urban Sanitation and Sustainable Development, C�te d'Ivoire

�������� John Kilani, Director, Sustainable Development Mechanisms, UNFCCC

�������� Dirk Forrister, President & CEO, International Emissions Trading Association (IETA)

Plenary session 3: Bridging Climate Smart Agriculture and REDD+: Opportunities and Challenges for a Converging Agenda

10:30-11:30, Room Anono 2-3

Summary: Since agriculture is one of the main drivers of deforestation in the African region, there is an increasing recognition that integrated actions across REDD+ and climate-smart agriculture are necessary to increase food security, improve forest conservation and achieve sustainable development goals. This session will examine synergies among climate smart agriculture and REDD+ projects, programs, and national policies/strategies, as well as discuss ways of moving towards a cross-sectoral landscape approach.


�������� Yao Marcel, National REDD+ Coordinator, C�te d�Ivoire


�������� Mino Razakafoniaina, Director, National Environment Association, Madagascar - PDF

�������� Hailu Tefera, Program Manager, World Vision, Ethiopia - PDF

�������� Laurent Valiergue, Senior Carbon Finance Specialist, World Bank - PDF

Plenary session 4: Implementation and financing challenges of Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions

11:45-13:00, Room Anono 2-3

Summary: Understanding of the NAMA concept is still evolving and there is currently limited on-the-ground experience with turning the concept into concrete action. Many questions remain about the policy framework for NAMAs and how they fit within the broader international negotiations and the Durban Platform discussions of a new global agreement. The key defining criteria for a NAMA, to be comprised of voluntary, measurable, reportable and verifiable (MRV) emission reduction activities provide broad guidance on how mitigation actions may be scaled up. However, the success of NAMAs will ultimately be determined by how successful public funding is in leveraging commercial investments at the necessary scale. Results-based financing might provide the still-missing incentive for the private sector to participate into positive outcomes on the ground.


�������� Jelmer Hoogzaad, Senior Consultant, Climate Focus


�������� Niclas Svenningsen, Manager, Strategy & Policy Mechanisms � UNFCCC - PDF

�������� Edwin Aalders, Business Development Manager, DNV Kema

�������� Rupert Edward, Managing Director, Climate Change Capital

�������� Courtney Blodgett, Carbon Project Consultant, Perspectives - PDF

Roundtable session 3: Opportunities for bioenergy development in Africa

14:00-15:00, Room Anono 2

Summary: The creation of income opportunities and extension of access to modern energy services are among the fundamental pillars to enable human development in Africa. Promoting income and energy services without relying on fossil fuels has proven to be a challenge. In this context, the planned and sustainability-oriented uptake of bioenergy can benefit many countries in Africa. This session addresses the bioenergy theme in Africa, covering its current and future linkages to global biofuels trade.


�������� Henrique Pacini, Economic Affairs Officer, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) - PDF


�������� Semida Silveira, Professor in Energy Systems Planning, Head of Energy and Climate Studies, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden - PDF

�������� Charles Jumbe, Researcher, University of Malawi - PDF

�������� Emmanuel Ackom, Senior Scientist & Manager, UNEP Risoe Centre/GNESD - PDF

Roundtable session 4: Financing Low Carbon Development in Africa Using Voluntary Carbon Markets

14:00-15:00, Room Anono 3

Summary: Outside of the UNFCCC Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), there are carbon financing options available for emissions reduction projects in Africa. Voluntary transactions provide funding for initiatives that can have carbon and non-carbon benefits, such as health impacts, improved water security and biodiversity, among others. These highly charismatic projects have the potential to gain the revenues necessary to sustain their positive impact. This session brings together voluntary project developers to discuss the opportunities and challenges of using voluntary standards and financing for low carbon development projects in Africa.


�������� Dirk Forrister, President & CEO, International Emissions Trading Association (IETA)


�������� Gloria Gonzalez, Senior Associate, Ecoystems Marketplace - PDF

�������� Tom Morton, Director, Project Development, ClimateCare - PDF

�������� Jacopo Vissetti, Carbon Trader, AitherCO2 - PDF

Roundtable session 5: Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions in Agriculture Sector: Early Lessons

15:45-17:00, Room Anono 2

Summary: Nationally appropriate mitigation actions (NAMAs) in the agriculture sector can accelerate countries� processes toward achieving increased productivity and food security while at the same time mitigating climate change impacts by carbon sequestration through sustainable land management policies and practices. NAMAs can also be an important option for accessing new sources of finance for sustainable development. This session will discuss early lessons and key considerations for planning successful agricultural NAMAs that help scale up best practices in the region.


�������� Laurent Valiergue, Senior Carbon Finance Specialist, World Bank


�������� Fred Kossam, Ministry of Natural Resources,Energy and Environment, Malawi - PDF

�������� Daniel Benefoh Tutu, Senior Programmes Officer, Environmental Protection Agency, Ghana.

�������� Daniel Fikreyesus, Manager, Echnoserve, Ethiopia - PDF

Roundtable session 6: Measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) in the evolving carbon markets

15:45-17:00, Room Anono 3

Summary: New market mechanism, NAMAs, national and bilateral schemes, all require appropriate monitoring and reporting to ensure emission reductions are real and to gain credibility, especially when such reductions will be counted towards crediting. Proper MRV will be crucial to ensure the success of mitigation actions, but MRV is a complex series of processes that need to be implemented with a challenging balance between stringency and complexity, as the CDM has shown. This session will present the current status of MRV discussions, and share recommendations for successful implementation.


�������� Niclas Svenningsen, Manager, Strategy & Policy Mechanisms - UNFCCC


�������� Harikumar Gadde, Carbon Finance Specialist, World Bank - PDF

�������� Perumal Arumugam, Programme Officer - Standard Setting Unit, UNFCCC - PDF

�������� Yamide Dagnet, Senior Associate, World Resources Institute - PDF

�������� Jens Killian Wentrup, Director, Perspectives - PDF

Day 3: Friday, 5th July 2013

Training session 5: Nationally appropriate mitigation actions (NAMAs)

8:30-9:30, Room Anono 1A

Summary: Participants will have the opportunity to learn about how to formulate a NAMA through practical selected examples from emerging experiences in sectors/countries in the region. The examples will focus on challenges and pitfalls with regards to stakeholder engagement, data gathering and institutional issues and MRV systems when formulating a NAMA.


�������� Jens Killian Wentrup, Perspective - PDF

�������� Marie-Claude Bourgie, EcoRessources - PDF

�������� Chebet Maikut, DNA Focal Point, Uganda

Plenary session 5: Finance for Low Carbon Development

09:45-11:00, Room Anono 2-3

Summary: Private sector investments are essential for enabling low carbon development and public funds can play an important role in leveraging private finance. This session will explore the possibilities to scale up finance for low carbon development and how to overcome existing investment barriers for private sector engagement. It will look into the opportunities under the Green Climate Fund and ways for promoting public-private partnerships to mobilize private sector financing. This session will also examine the role of regional and national development banks in catalysing positive investment climates for low carbon development in Africa.


�������� Todd Ngara, Senior Scientist, UNEP Risoe Centre


�������� Neeraj Prasad, Manager, World Bank Institute - PDF

�������� Geoff Sinclair, Head of Carbon Sales & Trading, Standard Bank - PDF

�������� Joseph Murabula, East African Development Bank - PDF

�������� Lloyd Chingambo, Chief Executive Officer, Lloyds Financials Limited/ACCE

Roundtable session 7: Experiences in promoting Low Carbon Development Strategies

11:15-12:30, Room Anono 2

Summary: Low carbon development strategies (LCDS) provide countries with opportunities to decouple economic growth from high greenhouse gas emissions. Effective integration of low carbon development strategies in national development plans result in overall economic growth but with reduced carbon footprint. Based on initial experience in Africa in LCDS this session will discuss the required enabling systems and institutional structures and building blocks for establishing effective national LCDS framework. It will also discuss some of the challenges hindering the development of LCDS in African countries and how to overcome these hurdles.


�������� Emmanuel Ackom, Senior Scientist, UNEP Ris� Centre


�������� Daniel Benefoh Tutu, Senior Programmes Officer, Environmental Protection Agency, Ghana - PDF

�������� James Ogunleye, Project Developer, Carbon Limits Nigeria - PDF

�������� Mulugeta Mengist Ayalew, Comparative Legal and Economic Researcher, Ethiopia

�������� Martin Kaspar, Programme Manager Climate Change/Environment, European Commission - PDF

Roundtable session 8: National REDD+ Strategies in Africa: Regional perspectives on the

progress, opportunities and challenges for finance and implementation

11:15-12:30, Room Anono 3

Summary: Through the assistance of multilateral and bilateral funding initiatives for REDD+, developing countries are progressing on their readiness activities for national REDD+ implementation. This session will hear from two African countries presenting their national REDD+ strategies and discuss the financial challenges for project and national implementation. Furthermore, this session will explore opportunities for engaging the private sector in REDD+ investments in Africa. Based on emerging findings from piloting REDD+ activities, different means for financing REDD+ are explored and evaluated.


�������� Yao Marcel, National REDD+ Coordinator, C�te d�Ivoire


�������� Niklas Hagelberg, Programme Officer UN-REDD, UNEP - PDF

�������� Jacinto Coello, Representative, UNEP FI - PDF

�������� Titus Zulu, Assistant Director of Forestry (REDD+) Department of Forestry, Malawi - PDF

�������� Tamrini Said, Member of National REDD+ Task Force, Tanzania - PDF

Plenary session 6: New Market Mechanism and Framework for Various Approaches

14:00-15:15, Room Anono 2-3

Summary: Part of the work being implemented by Parties during 2013, and leading towards a future global agreement by 2015, is the design of the new market mechanism (NMM) and the definition of rules of the framework for various approaches (FVA). The Polish presidency of COP19 is already working to set up a pilot NMM after the conference in November. This session will analyze the latest status of the design of the NMM and the FVA, and the opportunities they could present for the continent.


�������� Niclas Svenningsen, Manager, Strategy, Collaboration & Communication, UNFCCC

����� Speakers:

�������� Marie-Claude Bourgie, EcoRessources - PDF

�������� Andrei Marcu, Center for European Policy Studies (CEPS) - PDF

�������� Klaus Opperman, Sr. Carbon Finance Specialist, World Bank - PDF

�������� Martin Kaspar, Programme Manager Climate Change/Environment, European Commission - PDF

Closing Ceremony

15:30-16:00, Room Anono 2-3

The Africa Carbon Forum seeks to showcase the efforts taken to encourage and deliver low carbon investments across the continent. Governments want to continue economic growth and rising living standards, but also consolidate development by creating cleaner, more sustainable economies. Market based approaches have the opportunity to achieve this, and this Africa Carbon Forum has shown the many different mechanisms available now and in the future. The Forum concludes with speakers from the organisers providing their closing remarks.

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